In Memory Of
Scott Shoultz
1994 - 2014
Full NameScott Shoultz
Born25th May 1994
Passed Away6th July 2014
20 Years

Intro text

This memorial website was created in the memory of our beloved Scott Shoultz.Anyone who knew Scott would say he always strived to put a smile on your face. He loved to joke around and was quite the practical jokester. He always looked for the good in everybody because he never saw the good in himself.You were my twin, my best friend, my heart. From the moment we were born we shared a special bond that was truly unbreakable. Time can never heal the pain that I am going through and without you my life is completely shattered. Life without him will never be the same again, it has left a hole that will never be filled, but we have to sometimes just admit that angels are needed back in heaven, after gracing earth with their presence, and Scott is certainly in that bracket.Scott's addiction started in 2012. I tell you this not to shame him, but to raise awareness. Herion consumed his entire life. His bright eyes dimmed, his upbeat happy attitude vanished. Scott was a corpse if his former self.  We knew we needed him back.He checked into treatment January 21st 2014. Suddenly the son, brother, father he once was came back. We thought the addiction was just a nightmare left in the past. July 6th 2014 Scott didn't show up to pick his son up. Our mother later found him in the bathroom. He was not responsive.I hope by the loss of this beautiful soul we can raise awareness and save someone else struggling with this awful disease. 
12 Jul 2014

jasmine marie simpson

16 Jul 2014
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